Tummen upp för Skåneland!

Skåneland i Malmö var toppen idag :] Så om det inte blir Norge så skriver jag på lägenheten i Malmö :D:D
Sjukt vad jag saknat alla skånetöntar!! Virrade mig vilse i Malmö, mötte upp Emma så det blev lite koll på saker och ting, sjukt länge sen jag träffade henne så det var underbart kul :] 
Nu orkar jag inte skriva mer positiva saker i min blogg :) Men fest alá Lund ikväll :]

Roadtrip & Railtrip :D

Ok, just nu suger det inte bara lite kamelpung.. Sitter på ett trött tåg, och det är tråkigare än vanligt, vet inte varför men fy vad tråkigt det är! grr
Som tur är så ska jag bara sitta här i en knapp timma till, sen så blir det bilfärd resten av vägen som tur är :) Ska först ner till skåneland, med andra ord så ska jag till Danmark, sen ska vi vidare till boardershoppen om allt går rätt till, måste bulla upp med lite vuxensaft :)
Nu vet jag varför tåg suger så hårt, mitt spotify slutade just att fungera, och måste ladda min iPod. KUL?!

Och det blev som det blev i morse, råkade försova mig lite, skulle gått upp vid hald 8 egentligen, men det blev ungefär halv 10 istället :) Fortfarande trött och hungrig, vilket gör mig lite kinkig :(

Förresten, Sanna, Tanja eller Fröström ni fixar festen ikväll om ni läser detta :] Annars blir ni bombade med sms och terrorsamtal ikväll :]

Ska träffa Diana idag, WHOOOO!! Var sjukt länge sen man träffade den pricken, kommer att bli awesome! :]

Nä nu ska jag sova bort tiden på tåget... Ge mig lite tips på vad min blogg kan handla om nu när jag inte har städningen att klaga på :o ?!


Okay, it's all done! My cleaning finally paied off! No more! Oh my God, what am I suppose to blog about in the future?
Now that the cleaning is all over, I can't complain about how annoying and stenuous it is ... WOW, talk about dropin the ball there...

See I'm aready out of things to write about! This is bad, really...Really bad!

Seriously, I'm out of things to blog about, better brainstorm about it tonight.. So here's an awesome song.

Määx R awesome!
Määx R awesome!
Määx R awesome!


Och så kom kvällen .. Och när det är kallt och blåsigt ute så finns det inget bättre än att slå på en rulle och fläska ner sig i snacks och läsk :) Det kan gärna börja regna lite också det är alltid mysigt, men om det börjar åska och blixtra då vill jag inte vara med mer :( Tycker inte om sådana där blixtrar...
Men egentligen så var det här blogginlägget ganska onödigt, jag menar vem käkar inte en massa snacks och glor på film en regnig och blåsig kväll? Den riktiga anledningen till detta blogginlägget var att jag skulle kunna ladda upp en bild på exakt vad det är jag sitter och mumsar på :) Och eftersom det vara är 175g i en påse så blev det två :D

Underbart!! ;-)




Ok nu ska jag skriva ett helt inlägg på svenska, kul va?
Idag så har jag städat som en galning.. besiktning klockan 4 på eftermiddagen, gissa hur den gick? Precis, åt helvete, kärringen påpekade både det ena och det andra om min städning. Det jag blev mest sur på var hennes äckliga kommentar "Har du ens städat detta rummet"... GRR!
Inte nog med det, det är bara två dagar kvar nu tills ombesiktningen och blir inte den godkänd så kommer de att hyra in en städfirma, som jag kanske borde gjort från början! blä!
Norge är fortfarande ett stort frågetecken.. Funderar på ett litet varmare resmål istället, kanske Thailand eller Malta. Har i alla fall sökt lite jobb där. Saknar i och för sig alla Helsingborg, men vet inte om jag är så taggad på att flytta tillbaka till Danmark..

Blev i alla fall en seg dag idag. Pappa hjälpte mig att få ut lite möbler och flytt kartonger. Lite mat på Shang Hai, träffade Jonte snackade lite skit om allt och inget. Men förutom det så har det varit bland de sämsta och tråkigaste och eh... Jobbigaste dagarna på länge!

Kan verkligen se hur era care-face blir större och större när ni läser det här så visägersåhej!

Sunday sickness!

What the frick happend last night? I know this much, that me and Nord had some serious alcohol stock to empty..
Anywho after three of four too many redbull jäger and Jelzin bag in box mixed with Schweppes lemon we went out. I know that we went to 8-glas and got kicked out, for pretty much climbing the bar, since there was no one at the dance floor. And then an awkward incident accurred, we went to Centrum Bar.. say what? yes....
Nicklas and Robin were there, with Imme and hmm, someone else from old work... I'm so bad with names, can't remember what her name was... Well that's not important.. Had a few shots and Coronas until a certain someone bought me some absinth drinks .. HUH, and there it goes black..
Can't figure out though why the word "hårspray" or "hårgelé" is in my head, but eh.. and Futher more I can't figure out how nor when I got home.. I remember losing Nord somewhere, but funny thing he always has a funny way of poppin up again.
Hate to check the cellphone the day after, and see all the text messeges I send.. Some are pretty cool and nice, but others are just embarrassing.. Speaking of which... A call in the middle of the night at 3am.. goes on for one and a half frickin hour.."thank you" Emelie..You know it's weak to use those who are intoxicated with alcohol!! Let's split the bill huh? At least you're owe me a picture with glasses now! grrr!

Care to fill me in?

Ok that's last night, as far as I can recall.. Today's gonna be all about the good stuffs.. Need some help from my dad though to get rid of a couple of boxes and a bed.. So I can finnish up the cleaning, buu! And he better cook something nice for me as well! Half my salary goes to food, not in a good way... Fast food and snacks .. great!

Signing out! / Määx - En del utav din söndagshuvudvärk


So, in vilket language ska I skriva? 
Det är den stora frågan det, jag tar hälften hälften! Det låter som den bästa lösningen på det hela!
Ok so I woke up at 10.30am today, jumped the shower and chillaxed.. Had to buy some cream and glaze for our cakes, so went to Ica, and didn't know which size of cream nor color of the glaze, and someone didn't help me.. So had to make my own decicions... Turned out pretty good anyways! haha. Had lunch at Shang Hai.. Yummie..
And there was an accident .. Cream all over my floor.. grr , I've enough to clean as it is..
So went back to my old work and treat them with some cake, never had any myself.. I mean c'mon, i pretty much made it myself = non eatable :D

Ok efter kakätandet så gick jag hem igen för att göra ett super duper rus med städningen så att jag kan bli klar med den skiten någon gång.. Men istället så lärde jag mig att "drilla" med en pinne.. För er som inte vet vad drillning är så snurrar man lite på en pinne.. svårt ?  JA!
Lärde Emelie att spela gitarr, ganska duktig faktiskt. Bättre än vad jag blev på att drilla i alla fall :/
Bara för att ni ska få en inblick hur det kan se ut så ska ni få se lite bilder så klart!

så det ska se ut... och så det kan se ut...


Så nu ska jag verkligen ta tag i städningen! Vet inte hur många gånger jag har sagt det nu, men denna gången så SKA jag göra det.. Om ingen helt plötsligt skulle få för sig att ringa och erbjuda en kväll med en massa öl, vilket är ganska troligt eftersom det är fredag och klockan är halv sju :]

Men men dagens citat kommer ifrån Emelie när hon skulle lära mig att drilla, och det är öppet för tolkning!

DAGENS CITAT: " Du är ju sämre än mina barn " - Emelie Andersson (elderberry.blogg.se) HAHA!


Kan ju säga så här mycket, att jag är awesome på att baka!!
Jag bakade två stycken kladdkakor helt ensam idag, och de ser väldigt smaskiga ut om jag får säga det själv :)
Hade absolut ingen hjälp alls, gjorde allt ensam.. Köpte alla ingredienser, blandade och donade, in i ugnen och poff så var de klara, helt underbara.. Inte de minsta brända eller något sådant :) Jag är awesome!


Ok, Emelie gjorde det mesta, men jag hjälpte till...


Let's start thing off in english , feels so much better than swedish for some reson :)
Anywho, this tuesday morning, and I mean really early morning.. Woke up at 5am .. Me, up at 5 am... Heck no... and No it was.. I pretty much snoozed for about 30 minutes, then Emma called and told me she was outside waiting.. And.. I... had to pack too , well we hit the road about 6am.. and drove... SO WRONG! bankeryd ... habo... We're like .. hmm where's mullsjö? hmm why are we in Hjo ?! DOH, the GPS were acutally decent.. even though we had our little detour.

Once at Olso, we about 3 hours until the first display so eh we kinda visisted the new opera house, and dih its like hugh , all made in glass and you can acutally walk up the roof.. I mean it's totally legal too of course. haha
Pretty darn high! I hate heights! and widny, felt like a storm!

All the houses we checked out were decent, and one were acutally more than decent.. If we're lucky enough to get it, we will. about 4 rooms, new kitchen and baths. The only con were that we had to get our own washer .. grr
Anywho, even though we had a hard time finding somewhere to sleep this time, tougher time to get a house, and a finite budget since its payday next week, we had a pretty cosy and nice trip :)

Some pictures would be nice huh, hmm.. See if I'm up for the uploading part ...

Glömde nästan bort .. Idag är det torsdag , och det betyder att det blir bakande.. Frågan är bara vad och vart? eftersom mina bakkunskaper är begränsade till negerbollar och kanelbullar.. Så jag hoppas att bakpartnern är lite duktigare på sådant!
Nu är det hög tid att börja städa lite smått igen, och förresten så ska jag kanske bo på samma gata i Oslo som norska premiärministern. "övfre östermalm" som de sa :p

Aja nu orkar jag inte skriva mer , hepp'åre!


Då testar vi svenska!

OK! Då testar vi ett blogg inlägg på svenska, och Gud vad krångligt det är! Måste nästan tänka efter när jag skriver!
Det här var en dum idé, ja det var det verkligen.. Och mina pikar och skämt låter bara tråkigt på svenska. Men OK!
Gick upp vid 11 tiden idag kanske, ställde mig i duschen i en halv timma, tills jag fick russinhud :D men det hör inte hit, sen så skulle jag börja städa igen, och det var min stora garderob som stod på schemat! Tog 2 satans timmar att städa ur den!
Åkte till sortergården och dumpade lite möbler idag också.. Så det enda jag har kvar just nu är väl två stycken sängar och en jävla massa flyttkartonger.. Ja och ett soffbord som ryker när jag har ork att kasta de.

Men nog talat om städning för de är jag så himla less på nu..
Så istället så ska jag berätta om vad jag har gjort, förutom att städat idag!
Jo för det första så duschade jag ju och blev ett svart litet russin, sen tog jag på mig kläder .. Ett par chinos, en skjorta och ett par strumpor .. Ja visst fillefjonger också så klart! :)

Gick till subway och käkade lite frulle, gott gott baguette och en festis, mumma!
Sen hem igen, ringde och tjatade på skatteverket om "personbevis" så att de skulle skynda på den processen! Sen gick jag och åt pizza! MUMMA! 
Nu väntar jag på att Nord ska komma.. Ska packa lite inför Oslo resan imorgon :) Sen måste jag nog komma i säg i en hyfsad tid ikväll, Emma kommer och hämtar oss imorgon vid halv 6 tiden ungefär.. Någon, typ jag kommer inte att bli glad om någon väcker mig!

Jaja, nu är det bara en sak som återstår. Emelie's utvärdering av mitt svenska blogginlägg. 
Skriv en uppsats på 20 sidor där du förklarar vad du tycker, källor och fotnoter är ett måste.. Inlämnas senast klockan 21:00! lycka till :)

Vad töntigt detta låter .... Dagens musik tips:


Emma found my cellphone... Sort of, well not really she text me and someone replyed :D
So I'll go to the station and pick it up, wooohooo! What a relief!


OK yesterday were something else! WOW, Had a little but too much to drink... I think.
And Jönköpings nightlife.. Well, tell you this much you could have more fun with a hanger and a rubber band .. And don't ask me, cuz' I have no idea what the frick you could do with those two things.

Anyways, went to 8-glas, hmm .. Pretty boring .. The bars closed up and on my way home Mathilda called.. And that's pretty darn unexpected! Asked if I cared to join their after-party with movie's and jacuzzi .. And it was cold outside.. So of course the jacuzzi were tempting.. So went home as fast as possible, choosed a more comfie outfit and took a cab to bymarken. Watched some lame movie from the 80th too tired to jump the jacuzzi, I mean hey at 5am you aint that alert! We were 5 people who shared one couch , DUH... lack of space!! Breakfast at subways and I'm back home.
On top of that, about 10 minutes ago i got stung byt a fricking wasp! And I think I might be allergic to something, cuz its pretty big and swollen!

Well conclusion: Yesterday was a total failure! Should have stayed sober, should've stayed at home.


So a checklist is in it's order:

1. Find my Cellphone [ ]

2. Apologize for my wierd behaviour [ ]

3. Clean [ ]


Blog update! whooa! What about that huh! 
I finally finnished cleaning the whole kitchen, and I know it takes time for me.. had to sit on the balcony for an hour or 4 :] So nice weather today! And thank you Victoria for the lunch today, really nice to see you again!
But anyways, the real reson why I wanted to update my blog today were to grant a little jealousy towards Karin who goes to Bali in 3 days.. And the lucky &%¤& are gonna stay there way too long! She better get more money for our around the world trip later :] Well she send me a link to a eh.. I don't know, its not cute and it's not good.. But something made me lissten to the whole song anyways! Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did !

And another thing, do you guys think I should start to blog in Swedish instead? 
I mean, if there are more people than just Jen and Kath who's reading my blog leave a comment with or in what language I should blog in, and don't event hink of arabic or any other language that I don't know!  haha

This ought to be the most boring saturday in a very long time.. I better grab myself in the collar and do something about this cleaning problem! But it's so darn boooring!! :( But it's gotta be done, but it doesn't feel like i come somewhere when I clean .. So if I can't finnish the cleaning in at least 2 rooms today, I won't be able to go out today, which means this whole weekend will blow!!
Well, I better get started, and I'll update the blog with my progress... If there are any...



Okay, don't mind the things I said about Norway! The problems are now solved again! So I'll reward my hard wotk with let's say 3 hours at the balcony in the sun :] Me, Emma and Nord are gonna go to Oslo next tuesday and sign a new apartment, since the house are gonna be way to big for us now when half of our crew bailed on us.. Which I'll kill them for later :] Anywho the problems are now officially gone!

So balcony with a cold Corona and a armchair here I come!!


As the title says, anxiety is what I feel and what I have. Someone better fix this, and better fix this fast.. I frickin hate Marcus Nordström right now. He bailed on us, he can't come with to Norway, which means we've to pay lot's more for the house, and now some others hesitate as well, which means this whole situation sucks.. Well one way or another me and Nord are gonna go anyways.. But would be nice if the others changed their mind and came with.

Well, yesterday I realized how much I missed TV! I just had to watch Idol, so eh .. Called a friend, she came and picked me up, went to her place to watch idol with popcorn and soda -slur-
But, yes there's always a but.. The fricker had invited to most annoying person ever!! - Lisa...
When Idol was over i was ready to go home, until we zapped the channels and saw Austin Powers!! Just had to see that movie! And when it was over there were other programs that I just had to see! I MISS MY TV!!
Well the reson why I'm up at this hour is that eh, i fell alseep on the couch, Sophie's dad woke me up at 8, made breakfast and drove me home on his way to work.. What a nice deed :]
Anywho, I'm back home, better start the cleaning again.. Which totally sucks!
Well I might go to bed and sleep for another hour or two, but if I do i promise I'll wake up around 1pm so it's not worth it! .... or is it?

I never realized how boring it was to be up at this hour without working.. Eh Don't get me wrong I rather sit here and do nothing than going back to lets say, WeCall.. But that goes without saying!
The only con is that I'm so bored.. So if someone would wake up already! ANYONE, so I could have some company, I hate being alone, it's so boring.. bleeeh...
Further updates might come, I'll leave you with a thought..
"Forwards I'm heavy but backwards I'm not.. What am I?"

I don't love her... I just... miss her when she's not around, think about her all the time, and I imagine us one day running towards each other in slow motion and I'm wearing a brown suede vest.


Hey I remember you! You're the low lifer who's reading my blog!!
Well then, better give you something to read about, I dont know but cleaning out the kitchen ought the be the most boring and painful labour you could ever do, I mean come on.. I've been working on that frickin "room" for 2 days now, and it isnt even finnished yet! My dad will come in about 3 hours to pick up some junk.. And I got a window scraper and some other things now as well.. So I guess I'll do the windows first thing tomorrow morning.
Me, Johan and Sanjin planed how we were gonna get our stuffs to Oslo.. And the best way would be if Emma could come with, and then go back alone , I mean would be so much more trouble if one of us had to go back, its like 500 km one way.. And be driving 1500 km wouldnt be something that anyone would like to do.. Well in the worse case I'd have to come with on the way home as well .. Since it's pretty boring to be going alone.. But who's gonna keep me company on the way back to Oslo? Yeh there's a problem yet yo be solved!
I rewarded myself with chips today! Have been cleaning since eh 10am and its like 3.30pm now, needed some kind of energy boost :] And chips always does the trick!
Another thing, there has been some whine about the picture I posted yesterday, so I guess I'll upload a new one and see if that's better :] I thought I was nice by posting THAT picture, but hey guess I was wrong :]
And just because she's hovering the oven, doesn't mean that she cleaned it!

Okay enough with the cleaning pictures now alright? Good!
They better come and pick my kitchen table and chairs up soon, so i get rid of it! Need some free space when I'm cleaning! and ENOUGH with the cleaning talk, God... Makes me tired just to think about it...
It's wednesday... hmm, could it be more boring? Guess not...
Well, the weather sucks as well, otherwise we were gonna take our longboards for a ride, but it feels like its gonna start to rain soon, and I dont wanna get wet, or soaked...
(Update: If it means so much i'll tell you later, don't feel dejected and better yet don't have any hatred against me.. And don't hurt me physically if I do tell you) ....

And for today's music tip, wow nostalgia!!

TODAY'S QUOTE: " du har ju inte städat ett skit...... " Sebbe (byyg har jag visst de)


That's the conclusion for today! WOW!
Well it all begun with my personal tanning contest for 2 hours at the balcony! Then I decided to go to the beahc with a friend.. It was possibly the last dip this year, at least in Vättern. I mean we're living about 50 meters from the shore!
Could be some late nights at the beach with 5 other dudes, romantic.. Who knows what might happend! eh....
Anywho, the day continued with me visiting WeCall, talked to Simon about Norway and he acutally had the nerves to offer me to come work..AT WECALL... my last week in Sweden.. Pssh, could anyone guess what my answer to that were?...

Okay.. you know what they say.. a picture says more than a thousand words!! And it's acutally true!
Take a look at this!! This is awesome, how many times do you think you'll see her working in the kitchen!?
(no offence) :D
Well wasn't the brightest thing ever, where the frick am I suppose to cook now? Don't wanna mess things up, so I've to clean it all over agian... this is gonna be a problem for me... Or us! Cuz' I'll hi-jack her lunch everyday at work now! *gg*

-deleted picture-

Okay so the food problem sticks, and I've to call my dad for aid! And guess what, he's not at home.. He's working on long distance ... eh from me... so eh... I had to call someone and fast.. Cuz' I was starving :D
So It had to be Martina, we went to Claras for some supper , talked about everything and nothing .. bla bla bla yada yada yada etc etc :] Anywho, It's Marielles birthday today! So congratz on the big day.. Wonder how it feels to turn 22.. Gotta be a hugh transformation from 21 ..NOT.

Okay, well it's time for me to wrap around this blog udate. The thing is that I pretty much need someone to help me with the windows, I don't know how to clean them, and if anyone could show me ... I'm pretty sure I'd get a hang of it, but i'm a pretty slow learner :] So be patient :]

Okay that's about it...


TODAY'S QUOTE: " Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much. " - Oscar Wilde


Well.. Tell you this much, I pretty much turned my apartment upside down :o packed most of my things down in boxes, and also I put my dinnertable with chairs + the couch table out for sale on "blocket.se" it's like Ebay for those who didnt know that.

The ad had been up for about 10 mintues then someone called me, it was a old lady who wanted me to put it on hold until 4pm so she could come and buy it.. So i'm pretty satisfied with the situtation. She better buy it now ..
Need to get rid of all the things so I can start cleaning for real!

And Emma agree'd to drive me to Oslo with all the stuffs I need when I move.. So thank you Emma!!
And IF Emelie keeps her word and helps me clean tomorrow she'll be the second most awesome person in the world!! after the person who lives in my mirror..!! WHAT UP ?!



-Johan: Vi är 6 killar som ska bo här, så vi smäller upp vångingssängar.
-Norsk kvinna: 6 gutter i en dubbelsäng ???!!!
-Norsk kvinna: hva?!


So we're back in Sweden again.. And it's acutally nice to be home.. The norwegians called us "stupid swed's" ..
Anywho, now it's time to start the cleaning for sure.. Got my checklist, and I'm not lying when I'm telling you that there are at least 100 things to clean under ,over and behind.. Lucky that Emelie got 3 days off to clean for me...
Or at least that's wishful thinking, lmao. What ever.. If anyone wants a dinner table with 4 chairs and a couch table in the same design as the dinnertable just tell me, I'll throw it out if no one wants it :]

And about the apartment in Oslo, it wasn't a apartment, it was a house.. With 50m to the beach and there's beach for nudists near by as well.. Guess what I'll do in the summers... Yeh you're right! BINOCULARS and camera!! - HAHA

And now I've to go to my dad's to eat, cuz i pretty much finnished up cleaning the kitchen and I don't want to mess it up again , would be eh... double work... and That's nothing I'd like to do :]

And one more thing... The fricking Corona cost 30 NKR / beer... OH EM GE!! How am I gonna survive there..
And you're just allowed to bring 6 liter beer and 10kg meat / person into Norway, since its not a EU country.. Those frickers... needs to join EU, NOW!!

Oslo breeze!

Okay, it's time to hit the streets of Oslo again.. gonna get a display on another apartment today as well :]
Hope it'll be as good as the one yesterday!
So jus gotta get something for breakfast! Or well, im pretty full since yesterday, had some Bosnian food, wow.. taste so good.. but darn ate way too much! :]
Anywho, the only problem is that I've to clean my whole apartment for the 15th... And it's gonna be pretty hard..
Anywho, this trip has been something else.. for ones, we got a flat tire, and our GPS sucked ass, cuz' it wasn't updated since 06 :D So we were pretty lost with all the new raods :p
And since the tax papers wasnt ready in time, we've to go via some swedish organisation.. sucks sucks sucks...

Okay so we're back on the road agian , on our way home.. It's time to fill up with gas again ..
Wow, today was so much better than yesterday! We signed our apartment, and everything :]
No need to be stuck in norway for another day, so we decided to go back home.. and it's awesome!
I'm gonna get to sleep in my own bed, plus I can finnish up the cleaning .. Cuz' we're noving up next sunday (20th) =] Talked to Karin too , she will come up to Oslo when she comes back from her trip , to save some money for our around the globe trip as well :] If anyone care to join us on our trip just tell me :] the more we're the better! :]
Alright.. time to sleep again ... got a long way to go ... and I aint driving a single meter... wow i r  lazy :]





TODAY'S QUOTE: " Varför göra något idag som jag kan skjuta upp tills imorgon?" - John



Okay I'm in the car on my way to Oslo, Norway... Joahn woke me up at 5.30 am that fricker.. and we were off ..
But when we were about 40 km's from "Göteborg" we had a flat tire, so had to change tire at the middle of the freeway.. And yeh, drove in 50 km/h to Kungälv to get service on the car.. wow.. waste of money and time, we're about one and a half hour late! Gosh...
On top of that we have to call the landlord, cuz we wont make it to Oslo in time...
Anywho, guess I'll update the blog later!

Okay so it's time for another update.. We're finally settled in Oslo .. Well not with the apartment part, but at least we got roof over our heads and the car is working.. To quote Emelie, It's a message from God, this is gonna be just fine :] Cheesedoodles and lemonjuice :] that's the thing.. And I R A PART OF YOUR FRIDAYFEELING :]

TODAY'S QUOTE: " Tänk så får vi punka..." - Vi innan resan.......

The new era!

Finally! My last day at WeCall is finally over! Well from one suckie work to another.. Got a call from my landloard today. And she said that she wanted to have a display on the apartment for others tonight.. Which means that I've to clean and get rid of alot of boxes.. Have been cleaning and packing for about 1 hour now, and it's just 1 hour until they'll be here. So I've lot's of work to do!
Anywho, about tomorrow... We're gonna go to Norway and sign our apartment :] Better be a good one! 
Will be there over the weekend, gotta get the tax papers ready too. And now that I quit my job I'll make sure that I'll pay them a visist every now and then before i leave the country for "good" :] And of course I'll tease them .. They all know that they have the most awesome job :D haha ... And IF they are nice towards me I might even bring them a cake or something :] I know at least 3 persons who'd be happy, one of them are Oscar , he eats everything .. especially sweets, cakes and bun's :] And Nicklas of course, the day he turns down on food we've a black female prime minister in Sweden.. And the third and last person .. Well I'm afraid that she'll hurt me if I spell out her name here, since she's the only one from work who's acutally reading my blog.. (of what I know)..
Anywho "the person" ate lot's of ice cream today ._. That's a hint ... And I know that you know who you are :]
Enough talk, let's have a look at the music and quote of the day!

(Gustav Peterson, awesomeness )

Just gotta tell ya all, if he becomes famous for particepating in IDOL.. MY FRIEND! grrr

TODAY'S QUOTE: "medelålders sa vi" - Mia Bäckstedt

Wild Wednesday!

So wednesday is finally here. And my working hours are finally over. Tomorrow will be my last day at WeCall, thinking of bringing some sort of eh ... sweets for them... But ... eh... Maybe... Have to think it over.
I'm they will miss me as "much" as I'll miss them.. hey lets face it, we're just co-workers.. And yes of course there are some people i'll miss more than others. It's normal, i guess :]
Conclusion; I wont miss the work, but some of the co-workers..

Wednesday and just opened up my first Corona :] Waiting for Oscar, Sophie and Emma to come.. They are gonna help me throw my couch at the junkyard, and then we're gonna go to O'leary's to watch some football and then get our asses back home to watch IDOL ._. It's acutally kinda funny at least these auditions :D

AND WOW, Viktor just text me at msn and told me about a pretty funny story, still laughing :D

" Today, I was sitting in class and I fell asleep during the lesson. I was wearing sweatpants and had an erection. My teacher came up to me and grabbed my penis. She thought it was my phone. " - Viktor....

LMAO acutally that has to be today's quote!!

So today's music tip:

Twisted Tuesday!

As the title says, it has been a twisted tuesday.. Called Nord to check when we had the display on our apartments.. and guess what? Friday just after lunch! Which means I had to ask for my LAST day off.. Asked Simon (one of the superiours at work) and he was like, "uh.. we've to talk about this, when did you re-assign?!"  Lol guess the words haven't traveled to everyone, even though I like to talk about it :D
Anywho, no luck with Siomon, so I asked Frippe instead, and he let me have friday off :] He's pretty awesome even though he's a AIK fan .. gosh that's gross!

So aprt from that I had to ask for my last day off, I aslo had to talk to a fricker at the phone for 10 minutes who practically accused me for being a assassin, he was like.. This is a crime, you're not allowed to call me.. etc etc.. Do you think there's a difference between crime and crime, and I was like.. uh... yeh you can't compare calling someone over the phone with assassin another person ._. Wow, i r a murderer :D NOOT
Even though I've been packing for the last couple of days its still lot's of work left to do! 
I've to clean the windows, clean behind everything, and in every box and drawer ... besides all the crap i've to junk!

But a special thanks to Pernilla, who kinda made my day by sending me a simple text message :]
Needed to hear that, really.. Thank you! And BTW, don't worrie .. Won't lose contact with anyone just because I'm moving for a little while..

TODAY'S QUOTE: " Match 5% Det här innehåller ingenting, sluta nu!! Max är väldigt självisk. " - MTV MATCH  (Nicklas & Max)

7/9 2oo9

Monday, the first day of the last week at work :] wow can't imagine how nice it'll be when I finally walk out the door at friday! Wont miss the place at all... Not even a little bit :]
So here it is, I'm at work, and it sucks .. Trying to make the best of the situation.. But it's hard, when no one around me are... eh... never mid :] Guess I'll continue the packing when I get home.. And Emelie, you know you're owe me a favour! So you're gonna help me! Since I gave you the newspaper, and i'll help you with your blog!
Anywho, gonna sit back and relax the rest of the day :]
today's music tip and quote will be updated later ._. since i'm at work atm.. (alien time machine)
Ciao :]

Alright, the working hours are finally over.. And I'm chillaxing at home!
Well not for long, gotta keep cleaning and packing, takes time ... *sigh*
Anywho, its monday and I promised my friend that i'd help her pick out a dress for her mom's wedding.. Wow, better not take as long as it took for Sandra to pick her prom dress ._.
Well today's music tip are:

TODAY'S QUOTE: " Störda människor på ett stört jobb " - (väljer att hålla personen annonym)

6/9 2oo9

Okay, sunday... I pretty much hate sunday's... why? They are all the same, last day of the weekend, and I don't know why, but I always seems to have a headache.. Anywho, last night, at Hollywood club or what ever.. I had a pretty pleasent time afterall .. Not that I could enjoy myself , but it turned out to be a pretty good night..
Apart from when I lost my west for my jacket, and when someone hurled abuse at me over the phone for 30 minutes.. gaaah!!
Girls... wow, they are all trouble, I don't get them at all, so if anyone could fill me in with some secrets i'd be more than greatful.. Well I guess I'm pretty weird too, I never know when or if someone like's me.. They pretty much have to spit it out loud for me to understand ._. And I'm too much of a wuss to confess my own feelings .. eh, that's not totally true, there are some other resons too .. Moving to Norway etc, besides, doubt that she likes me anyways :D
OK enough with this yabba talk ..

It's sunday, and Ima go out with a friend to grab a cup of coffee, afterall its our weekly latte. And I also have to cook something for work tomorrow.. Thinking of Taccos maybe?

Layzness's owning me.. Have to pack .. And also throw away some old stuffs at the junkyard.. And sell things like dinner table , bed etc.. So if anyone wanna buy some cheap stuffs for their apartment, contact me in one way or another. Ciao


TODAY'S QUOTE: " Jag litar på att du missförstår mig " - Oscar Wilde

Saturday morning!

Saturday morning as the title says, starts off with a episode of "How I met your mother"
Barney Stinson, Legen...wait for it... Dary!

4/9 2oo9

Friday's finally here, after 8 hours hard work I got my well deserved weekend!
Even though it wasnt my finest day at WeCall today, I had a pretty nice day.. Lucky some co-workers are nice, and social. Otherwise i'd pretty much commit sucide! :D At least a certain someone didn't hang up on a customer today, cuz' of laughter... And yeh I've a confession to make, it wasn't really my purle umbrella :] And I learned it the hard way, the fricker pinched me, duuuh... Haven't been pinched in forever!! OUCH!
But the weather sucks so hard, its like a storm outside, which sucks.. But hey it's friday, and where i'm from its like the lamest day in the week.. So I decided to chill tonight, bought some potato chips, and lot's of fanta :] And some friends will come by at 10 pm with movies.. So I guess it'll turn out to be a pretty pleasent night afterall :]

Well, I pretty much cleaned my whole apartment today, finnished the dishes and wops...  I just happend to open up a CORONA by accident :] but just one, and that's something... I'll save myself for tomorrow, since it's "Club Hollywood".
The pre-party will accrue at my place tomorrow at uh... Well i'll start pretty early but Emma and Lisa and the others will come by around uh.. Don't know yet, haven't set a time.. But I guess It'll be around 5-6pm ..
So if you want to join, give me a call or at least text me :]

Anywho, Guess I'll continue the cleaning now ._. bleeeh , someone help me.. and Yeh cook something nice for me!

TODAY'S QUOTE: " jag skriver att jag heter Nordström ändå.. Palla säga att man är svensk å så heter man Sanjin Bosnjak,det håller inte riktigt tror jag.. :( " - Sanjin Sanna Bosnjak

Blogg Uppdatering 3/9 2oo9

Postat av: Emelie

HAHA! För i tusan nu får du ett äpple att bita i imorgon!Har just kommit hem från stan, tur att jag hade (MITT) paraply i ösregnet. Nu ska jag DESIGNA min blogg till den snyggaste,lycka till med din proffsiga blogg jag känner verkligen fredags stämmningen he he =) Och för övrigt kan du glömma att detta inlägg kommer vara på engelska!

2009-09-03 @ 19:10:12

- Okay, so she finally showed us her thue self! Look how mean she is! She stole my purple umbrella, and lied about it... Told everyone it was her's and just because it was purple they believed her more than me :[ she's sucha meanie... HAHA j/k :D
Anywho.. If you're reading this i've a question for you Emelie, why are you reading my blog, and why the eff is the reply in swedish and not english? That's just mean when i'm trying to get a more international appeal on my blog..

Yaya, this is acutally the first time I'm updating my blog more than ones a day ._. OH EM GE, I might be a blogoholic .. anywho.. If you figure it out... (How to make nice blog template's and headers) you've got to tell me anyways! Or I'll make these last days at work seem like a vacation.. =] I'll bully you for you know what 24/7 :] SO BE NICE TO ME!! grr!


3/9 2oo9

Thursday... At work.. Having fun as usual :] Okay that was a lie, anywho.. Nothing better to do.. So i'm updating my blog.. wow, this is hillarious :] Just sitting of the time... waiting for lunch .. I r hungry!
It's like my granpa' says "you can't do business sitting on your ass" but that's not true, I'm doing lots of business sitting on my arse!  :] They are frick changing the windows in the office, and they are loud, which makes it hard to talk to the customers, they better frick off after lunch!!

I might get help with my blog now, so it'll look better :] Might make it funnier to read it as well :]
The persons who might help me are Ida, or maybe Cornelia.. would be much appreciated... Since Emelie's help wasnt much of a help .. (Sorry, but i doubt you'll read this anyways)  mohaha.

Okay, if anything funny happends, i might update it further.. But i truely doubt it ..
No wait i'll update the quote, cuz i havent got one yet... But until next time , take care... or not..

TODAY'S QUOTE: "  Emlie du är så snäll emot dina kunder, sen tar du ut ilskan på oss arbetskamrater  " - MÄÄX

2/9 2oo9

Okay time for another blog update! I went to work.. Worked, worked and worked ...
Came home around 5pm and called talked with a couple of friends about Norway, for those who haven't heard already.. Me and a couple of friends are moving to Norway.. Work and save some money for a "around-the-globe" trip. Which is the main reson why I created this blog.
Have been trying to get someone to help me fix my blog, with a new header that fade's in with the background and change some minor settings like a "topic box" etc.
Of course I could still blog even with this fugly design, but it would be a boost if I, myself could enjoy reading my blog. But since no one knows how to fix and trix with blogs me and Emelie gave it a shot, and look at the result.. right.. there's none.. same old blog design as yesterday, and the day before yesterday..
Conclusion; we suck at editing blogs...

So if anyone reads this and have any knowledge of how to make the blog look better, again... Please PM me :]

Pretty much ran out of things to blog about .. But its wednesday and I'm staying home, it's always something..
Just 7 working days left at WeCall, then I'm a free man! It's gonna be more than awesome to leave that place, been stuck there for over 4 months... Almost 5 acutally...
Well I guess I'll miss some of the co-workers, but far from everyone .. There's a certain person who pretty much annoys me all the time, doesnt matter if he/she's not talking to me in person, its his/her's voice that makes me climb the walls! Anywho, enough...

Tomorrow is another day, I'll try to make the best of it. :]

TODAY'S QUOTE " Carpe Noctem " - Gun-britt (En av mina kära spärrlinje kunder)

1/9 2oo9

Oh hi, it's you again, the low-life retard who's reading my blog. Well, well better give you guy's something to read about. But getting pretty tired of this, it's all the same routines, and it's all the same words im using all over again from the previous days.. Anywho, woke up, went to work.. To be honest, it wasn't the worse day at WeCall, I kind of had a decent day.. Well besides that the work i'm doing sucks.. I think i might be at a better mood now at work since i can count down the days left there :] 
Okay further more, went home.. started to clean, gosh it's gonna take ages to clean the apartment before moving out. It's not fair, can't someone else do it for me? I'll pay you! This is going no where, guess I'll stop writing.. 

Sideline: I need someone to help me fix a nice template for my blog, also the rest of the design.. So if anyone, I mean anyone are up for the challange, please text me or PM me at msn. Would be much appreciated!

Oh almost forgot, I need to think of a nice quote! ...darn...

TODAY'S QUOTE: " Spill inte krut på gamla skator "  - Sven (En av Emelie's spärrlinje kunder)

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