6/9 2oo9

Okay, sunday... I pretty much hate sunday's... why? They are all the same, last day of the weekend, and I don't know why, but I always seems to have a headache.. Anywho, last night, at Hollywood club or what ever.. I had a pretty pleasent time afterall .. Not that I could enjoy myself , but it turned out to be a pretty good night..
Apart from when I lost my west for my jacket, and when someone hurled abuse at me over the phone for 30 minutes.. gaaah!!
Girls... wow, they are all trouble, I don't get them at all, so if anyone could fill me in with some secrets i'd be more than greatful.. Well I guess I'm pretty weird too, I never know when or if someone like's me.. They pretty much have to spit it out loud for me to understand ._. And I'm too much of a wuss to confess my own feelings .. eh, that's not totally true, there are some other resons too .. Moving to Norway etc, besides, doubt that she likes me anyways :D
OK enough with this yabba talk ..

It's sunday, and Ima go out with a friend to grab a cup of coffee, afterall its our weekly latte. And I also have to cook something for work tomorrow.. Thinking of Taccos maybe?

Layzness's owning me.. Have to pack .. And also throw away some old stuffs at the junkyard.. And sell things like dinner table , bed etc.. So if anyone wanna buy some cheap stuffs for their apartment, contact me in one way or another. Ciao


TODAY'S QUOTE: " Jag litar på att du missförstår mig " - Oscar Wilde


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