Let's start thing off in english , feels so much better than swedish for some reson :)
Anywho, this tuesday morning, and I mean really early morning.. Woke up at 5am .. Me, up at 5 am... Heck no... and No it was.. I pretty much snoozed for about 30 minutes, then Emma called and told me she was outside waiting.. And.. I... had to pack too , well we hit the road about 6am.. and drove... SO WRONG! bankeryd ... habo... We're like .. hmm where's mullsjö? hmm why are we in Hjo ?! DOH, the GPS were acutally decent.. even though we had our little detour.
Once at Olso, we about 3 hours until the first display so eh we kinda visisted the new opera house, and dih its like hugh , all made in glass and you can acutally walk up the roof.. I mean it's totally legal too of course. haha
Pretty darn high! I hate heights! and widny, felt like a storm!
All the houses we checked out were decent, and one were acutally more than decent.. If we're lucky enough to get it, we will. about 4 rooms, new kitchen and baths. The only con were that we had to get our own washer .. grr
Anywho, even though we had a hard time finding somewhere to sleep this time, tougher time to get a house, and a finite budget since its payday next week, we had a pretty cosy and nice trip :)
Some pictures would be nice huh, hmm.. See if I'm up for the uploading part ...
Glömde nästan bort .. Idag är det torsdag , och det betyder att det blir bakande.. Frågan är bara vad och vart? eftersom mina bakkunskaper är begränsade till negerbollar och kanelbullar.. Så jag hoppas att bakpartnern är lite duktigare på sådant!
Nu är det hög tid att börja städa lite smått igen, och förresten så ska jag kanske bo på samma gata i Oslo som norska premiärministern. "övfre östermalm" som de sa :p
Aja nu orkar jag inte skriva mer , hepp'åre!