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Okay time for another blog update! I went to work.. Worked, worked and worked ...
Came home around 5pm and called talked with a couple of friends about Norway, for those who haven't heard already.. Me and a couple of friends are moving to Norway.. Work and save some money for a "around-the-globe" trip. Which is the main reson why I created this blog.
Have been trying to get someone to help me fix my blog, with a new header that fade's in with the background and change some minor settings like a "topic box" etc.
Of course I could still blog even with this fugly design, but it would be a boost if I, myself could enjoy reading my blog. But since no one knows how to fix and trix with blogs me and Emelie gave it a shot, and look at the result.. right.. there's none.. same old blog design as yesterday, and the day before yesterday..
Conclusion; we suck at editing blogs...

So if anyone reads this and have any knowledge of how to make the blog look better, again... Please PM me :]

Pretty much ran out of things to blog about .. But its wednesday and I'm staying home, it's always something..
Just 7 working days left at WeCall, then I'm a free man! It's gonna be more than awesome to leave that place, been stuck there for over 4 months... Almost 5 acutally...
Well I guess I'll miss some of the co-workers, but far from everyone .. There's a certain person who pretty much annoys me all the time, doesnt matter if he/she's not talking to me in person, its his/her's voice that makes me climb the walls! Anywho, enough...

Tomorrow is another day, I'll try to make the best of it. :]

TODAY'S QUOTE " Carpe Noctem " - Gun-britt (En av mina kära spärrlinje kunder)


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