Hey I remember you! You're the low lifer who's reading my blog!!
Well then, better give you something to read about, I dont know but cleaning out the kitchen ought the be the most boring and painful labour you could ever do, I mean come on.. I've been working on that frickin "room" for 2 days now, and it isnt even finnished yet! My dad will come in about 3 hours to pick up some junk.. And I got a window scraper and some other things now as well.. So I guess I'll do the windows first thing tomorrow morning.
Me, Johan and Sanjin planed how we were gonna get our stuffs to Oslo.. And the best way would be if Emma could come with, and then go back alone , I mean would be so much more trouble if one of us had to go back, its like 500 km one way.. And be driving 1500 km wouldnt be something that anyone would like to do.. Well in the worse case I'd have to come with on the way home as well .. Since it's pretty boring to be going alone.. But who's gonna keep me company on the way back to Oslo? Yeh there's a problem yet yo be solved!
I rewarded myself with chips today! Have been cleaning since eh 10am and its like 3.30pm now, needed some kind of energy boost :] And chips always does the trick!
Another thing, there has been some whine about the picture I posted yesterday, so I guess I'll upload a new one and see if that's better :] I thought I was nice by posting THAT picture, but hey guess I was wrong :]
And just because she's hovering the oven, doesn't mean that she cleaned it!

Okay enough with the cleaning pictures now alright? Good!
They better come and pick my kitchen table and chairs up soon, so i get rid of it! Need some free space when I'm cleaning! and ENOUGH with the cleaning talk, God... Makes me tired just to think about it...
It's wednesday... hmm, could it be more boring? Guess not...
Well, the weather sucks as well, otherwise we were gonna take our longboards for a ride, but it feels like its gonna start to rain soon, and I dont wanna get wet, or soaked...
(Update: If it means so much i'll tell you later, don't feel dejected and better yet don't have any hatred against me.. And don't hurt me physically if I do tell you) ....
And for today's music tip, wow nostalgia!!
TODAY'S QUOTE: " du har ju inte städat ett skit...... " Sebbe (byyg har jag visst de)
Postat av: Ida
Det kommer inte bli någon vana, det kan jag lova :P Vill ju inte ha nischen "Rumpbloggen" precis :D