Longing for warmth!

Okay, me and Nord decided to take a little trip around in Asia this winter. So if everything goes as planed we're going to Bali January 27th. Stay there for about a month to surf and stuff, and then fly to Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand Laos and Malaysia. It's just one problem. Just started to work, and think i'll need a little bit more money for the trip since we're gonna be there for about 4 months. Anywho, Karin is there somewhere in the batter, would be awesome to see you again!

Oh and I just recived a postcard from Emelie, the card was rather nice, but the text .. grr!!

Today is the day, IF Iwant to get my vaccine against the discussed issue with swinefluee this is my chance! In about 5 hours or so, but I'm rather doubtful, since half of the people who take the shot becomes sick just because of it.
And I hate syringe's!!!

Mkay ._. enough...


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