31/8 2oo9
Well okay it's time to update my blog, ones again. Even though it's the same old routine all over agian.
Well I guess I'll start with thursday night.. I got home from work, and bought some corona, sat down and tooka few before i headed back to work. Well tell you this much, I wasnt working, neither did Nicklas.. We both sat there in the office, drinking Corona in coffee cups... I know right... Seriously, killed the taste. But for noone to notice it..
After a few beers Robin Eriksson an old co-worker showed up with a couple of other friends, and we headed to Club Caj. Took a table and ate some. Ahywho we all know how that evening ended. Me getting way too wasted, and crawled to Ljungarum.. Don't even ask me why, cu'z i'll probably not answer anyways. Took a cab home at 7am to goto work. Well that's thursday, interesting wasn't it?
Friday; hangover at work, what else to expect? Thought so, but I had myself to blame. Too much to drink yesterday, oh yes indeed. Well normal routine at work, ripping off the people of Sweden. How awesome is that? - totally awesome! Anywho, after work me and Nicklas headed back to my place, bought some Corona, well some and some, a whole beer crate with 24 yummie coronas :] talk about awesome, and besides that we still had some Mintu left :]
But first things first, Beer-Bowling.. Bowling... wow that's a wuss "sport"... I frick hate it!
At least you were allowed to buy beers there, so guess what I did? beer or bowling.. Yeh you're right!
But first things first, Beer-Bowling.. Bowling... wow that's a wuss "sport"... I frick hate it!
At least you were allowed to buy beers there, so guess what I did? beer or bowling.. Yeh you're right!
After the bowling we all headed back to Linn's place. Oh forgot to tell ya'll this, but it was a company activity (...)
Talk about lame, there are just a few people at work that I acutally speak to outside work , even though they are all pretty nice at work. Don't know how i should point this out, but it's like we're from two different worlds. They're Aliens from Marse and me and some others are like something else from Pluto .. Lol never mind my similie's!
We all headed back to Linn's place, that's what I was saying.. Started off pretty calm with some beer's and some mintu shots, execpt we didn't have and shot glasses, so we had to drink it out of normal glasses... which means that a shot wasn't very shotty ._. More of a killer drink.
After a couple of hours, me and Nicklas went to "centrum" I know, I know centrum how lame, but we got a very nice deal. Absinth + blue bols + something else mixed with mashed lime and sugar .. I swear if I'd have one more of those I wouldn't be typin this whole novel atm.
Something funny happend too, between two co-workers. Or more what didn't happen' and if either one of you sees this which is nearly impossible cuz' it'd require either one of you to acutally read all this crap.. Anywho you know who you are :] And Määx finds it very funny.
Well almost forgot, went to 8-glas with Nicklas and Emelie, met Robin there too. chilled there for a while, went back to Centrum for another round of absinth... And thats pretty much all i remember, woke up at a friends place .. again at Ljungarum... Guess you've figured by now, if not you're a slow fk :]
Saturday; Went back home, still pretty messed up since yesterday.. Came home around 7.30am and passed out on my couch.. And then all of a sudden, totally random... cuz-i-never-ever-speak-to-this-person... called me at 2.30PM and woke me up... Not popular.. The name of the guy... Imme... sigh... He just wanted to tell me that he picked up the left overs at Linn's.. wow.. what a waste.. Called nord.. he came to my place.. started to drink some more coronas .. Of course, i love corona. Went to "Karlssons" to grab a bite and then to O'learys for some beers. Pre-party occoured at O'learys.. Cuz' we were gonna go to "Klubb Enkelt" and we did. And the night pretty much went on as the previous nights before this one.
Sunday; Nothing much to say about sunday. We planned out Norway trip. It's now all set. I gave notice to cancel my rental-agreement. Hope I get my money back for the apartment. And pretty much quit my job.
So all I've to do now is clean... wow, right! ANY CLEANING HELP ARE MUCH APPRECIATED!!
Guess i've nothing else to tell you about sunday..
Monday/Today: Nothing happend, more than dad took me shopping. Bought myself a new couch and a bed for Norway. Also some new clothes... work, work and more work... As I said I pretty much quit my job, well I'm staying for about 2 more weeks... sadly. Well it's always good to have some money to start with in norway I guess..
TODAY'S QUOTE " Ingen annan vet hur ont det gör att ha ont i halsen!! " - Lisa Abrahamsson